MMA and UFC News

Pat Barry Excited To Train With UFC Heavyweights Brock Lesnar and Mirko Cro Cop

UFC heavyweight fighter Pat Barry sounds very excited to train with a couple of well-known fighters in the UFC heavyweight division for the next couple of months.  He tells us how he was called in to go help train Brock Lesnar for his title defense bout against Cain Velasquez.  He’ll be training Lesnar for about one month and then after that, he’ll be training Mirko ‘Cro Cop’ Filipovic for another month in Croatia.  According to Barry, Cro Cop has been calling him every other day since their fight at UFC 115, just to see how he’s been healing up .

From Pat Barry:

“Brock Lesnar has asked for me to come and be his sparring partner for a month before he fights Cain Velasquez. How cool is that… A month with the heavyweight champion of the universe Brock Lesnar, the biggest scariest dude on earth, and then a month with a legendary striker like Cro Cop…Even Dana White said that Cro Cop is not your friend, you know what, I’ve spoken to that dude (Filipovic) like every other day since the fight. He’s called from Croatia to see what’s going on and how my healing’s coming… Something that is really cool and that no one really knows about, Cro Cop says he might fight again in November. And [Filipovic] says as soon as my hand is healed, he would like to fly me to Croatia for a month to come and be his sparring partner….He said, you are faster than I am and you hit harder than I do, or something like that, but I could tell that when we grabbed each other, he’s like I could tell you weren’t very strong. Like you haven’t been wrestling with guys bigger than you or stronger than you… So I’ve got a lot of giant serial killer Croatian guys out here, that are wrestlers that I could throw at you… But I would really like you to come out here and be my sparring partner for my next fight.”

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