Earlier this week, UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar was aired live on ESPN’s SportsCenter where he talked about his miracle recovery from diverticulitis and his UFC return. In one instance, he mentions the fact that he went up to Canada to do some hunting and that’s where his illness became unbearable. He told ESPN, “I went to the hospital in Canada, I quickly realized that I had to get out of Canadian healthcare and get down to Bismark in the United States.” Lesnar continued, “My wife saved me. She got me out of there and drove 100 miles per hour to get me down to Bismarck, N.D.”
CEO of Brandon’s regional health authority in Canada stepped in and commented on Lesnar’s negative statements (props to theglobeandmail.com):
“I take real exception to being referred to as a third-world country operation. We have state-of-art equipment here. We are hardly a one-horse operation. The attending physician was very qualified and very respected. He’s been in the business for more than 30 years. And he has the skills to diagnose a condition such as diverticulitis without a CT scan. We have checked this particular health record and were are quite confident that the correct diagnosis was given and the best course of treatment offered. I wouldn’t be so arrogant as to compare ourselves to the Mayo Clinic, they’re the experts. But I really take exception to someone giving us that kind of media coverage for their own political reasons. Who knows, maybe he didn’t like the bill.”