Gina Carano shows a reporter how to properly wear a hand wrap:
‘Haywire’ star Gina Carano was interviewed at ActionFest 2012:
Gina Carano also spoke about the possibility of starring in the new film ‘The Fast and the Furious 6’:
“We got a call about two weeks ago to do ‘The Fast and the Furious 6. We’re in negotiations for that, so if that goes through, that will be a really cool opportunity for me to get my feet wet on another big-budget film and be around all these different types of actors…I’m going to go from the ‘Haywire’ crew to the ‘Fast 6′ crew, so I’m going to get a very broad range of knowledge as far as people go. It’s like two different high school groups. You’ve got the very artistic, and then you’ve got the action group of athletes, like hard-core. Very different personalities there. We’re still in negotiations for it, but that was a really good phone call to get. I’m really excited to work and be a part of something so big. My role would be kind of a small role, I don’t think it would be too big or anything, but it would still be a great experience to be a part of something like that. And myself and my management and my agents we have these other projects that are our babies that we’re working on. The one I was working on before I got the call for Fast 6 is called “In The Blood” and it’s a really kind of cool “Taken” movie but with a female lead – but doing Fast 6 can only help that.”