
Yushin Okami Talks UFC 81: “Minotauro was Terrific”

Yushin Okami talked about UFC 81-Breaking Point and left a few aggressive comments for American MMA fans when he stated "I was also surprised to see how quick Sylvia gave up and
tapped out though.  It seems the American style."

Okami is scheduled to fight next month at UFC 82-Pride of a Champion against UFC veteran Evan Tanner. 

Here’s what he had to say about UFC 81:

"After I trained punching at the gym during the day, I went home and watched UFC 81.

was terrific.  That sweep was artistic.  I was amazed to see his mental
strength and his submission techniques.  I found a lot to learn from
his fight.  I was also surprised to see how quick Sylvia gave up and
tapped out though.  It seems the American style. 

he was a monster!  His physical ability was tremendous.  I heard that
he was a huge but super fast, and he was an athlete who has speed and
power…I see many middle weight fighters now in UFC.  I have to keep training to do a good job."

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